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C++ 盖特:法定建筑和外部校正
原标题:C++ Qt: Static builds and external dylibs

I ve been doing some funny stuff in personal projects with Qt. I m not an expert in this so if it s a dumb question (guess not I couldn t find anything useful) feel free to kill me.


cd "project folder...";
PATH=/Users/TCB13/(...)/qt-source/bin:$PATH;  --> Path to my static QT.
export PATH;
qmake -config release; 
make clean;

So far if I move the compiled binary to another computer without Qt installed everything works just fine! ;)

Yesterday I start to play around with a dynamic library provided by a company and I ve included the dylib in my .pro file like this: (I ve a copy of the dylib in the project folder)

#macx: LIBS += -L$$PWD/ -lwpsapi



dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/libwpsapi.dylib
 Referenced from: /Users/TCB13/Desktop/dude111
 Reason: image not found
Trace/BPT trap: 5

I noticed that the size of my compiled binary is the same with or without including the dylib so, I googled how to include and external lib and some people are saying that I need to add "CONFIG += static" to my .pro file. I did it and the size of the file increased but I still got the same error.



错误信息非常清楚,你需要分发与你的申请相一致的校准。 如果你想避免这种情况,就查阅这一第三方图书馆的文件,使之使用固定联系的代码。 请注意,你告诉联系人把静态图书馆连接起来,并不意味着参考该守则。 我怀疑,在法典中(或缺席)有某种程序前标准使用有活力的装设图书馆。



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