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原标题:In clojure, what is an efficient way to calculate average of integer vectors


(def data [[1 3 4 7 9] [7 6 3 2 7] [1 9 8 6 2]])


[3 6 5 5 6]


mean([1 3 4 7 9; 7 6 3 2 7; 1 9 8 6 2])

With Incan 我可以做到:

(map #(/ % (count m)) (apply plus data))

If data is rather large (and I have lots of them) is there a better way to do this?
Does it help to calculate the (count m) beforehand?
Does it help to defn the #(/ % (count m)) beforehand?



(let [data [[1 3 4 7 9] [7 6 3 2 7] [1 9 8 6 2]]
      num (count data)]
  (apply map (fn [& items]
               (/ (apply + items) num))

;=> (3 6 5 5 6)


(def data [[1 3 4 7 9] [7 6 3 2 7] [1 9 8 6 2]])

(defn average [coll] 
  (/ (reduce + coll) (count coll)))

(defn transpose [coll]
   (apply map vector coll))

(map average (transpose data))
=> (3 6 5 5 6)

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