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世界贸易组织 Canvas在乌兰巴托就Eclipse开展工作
原标题:Getting GWT Canvas to work on Eclipse in Ubuntu

Ok, for this i faced a number of hurdles. But I got it working. I m just wondering if there was an easier way... Otherwise this is what worked for me.

I will stick with my solution, but if you have a better one like "I just upgraded x to y" it would be good to know.

Ubuntu 10.04 (LTS) Eclipse 2.5 Galileo (from the repository - and needed for other projects) Google suite plugin 2.4.2 gwt 2.0.3

如果你想要使用一些高空的超文本5,像 can一样,那么光2.0.3就得了。

As far as i could tell, a basic upgrade of any of these using the methods listed on the respective pages - just lead to headaches. It seems like newer versions of GWT require newer versions of Eclipse The basic cause is that Ubuntu wont let you upgrade eclipse using the eclipse methods.

The short fast answer was to install another eclipse from tarball and go from there. I started it on a new workspace as well. I dont know if two versions of eclipse can handle the same workspace.

我将乌兰巴托升级为11+,可能这样做。 但是,我非常高兴地获得LTS的释放。


为了改变你正在使用的GWT。 我曾亲自尝试过GPE 2.4.2和GWT 2.4,但大多数时间是我需要不同的GWT版本,我只是下载了GWT SDK,然后指出使用这一SDK(你可以管理GWT SDK在P参比/谷歌/Web工具kit)。 如往常一样,你可以确定每个项目使用不同的SDK。

我在“世界展望”的节目中转播了7, ubuntu 10LTS和11.10。

我之所以没有问题,是因为我使用了春天工具箱,Eclipse的春季源包装。 我曾经使用过Yoxos,但我发现春天工作较好。 从STS包裹Eclipse给我带来我所希望的假想及其仪表板/顶点,就有了更好的工作,我就能够确保我的插手能够很好地共同工作。 此外, y星仍在改变其网站的布局和流通,使我感到困惑。

过去,用 y氧化物包包裹我的切片是头痛,因为我不得不 be笑各种假象。

最近,我遇到一些问题,即因多伊哥最近没有工作。 答案在STS网站上。 不仅提供答案,而且提供包装,以取代将使用的平方米。

I did use synaptic/software centre to install indigo on my ubuntu 11.10 machine, but I never use it - I have no idea why I even felt compelled to install it. Because I finally had to install STS.

OK, STS为我提供一些电脑游戏,在我被打时左右,比如,春ro、gro。

海事组织,STS将飞往EClipse,因为乌兰巴托正飞往欧林。 无论如何,由于我不得不在窗户和坡道之间开关,我必须依靠STS的一致性。

I wish to advise people to not use vanilla eclipse (like installing eclipse using ubuntu synaptics) because I have witnessed programmers encountering plugin version conflicts trying to update or install plugins - unless you work in a large org with a person chartered to package eclipse. Otherwise, it is really a waste of company time and money if we waste a week of our time per year untangling eclipse issues - and multiply that by the number of programmers.


我知道,“电子专家”会不同意我的意见。 但是,他们需要成为埃科尔斯的专家,我只是想成为一位方案家,这说明他们为什么不同意我。

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