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能否同时利用iText对 Java的国防军进行观察和编辑?
原标题:Can you view and edit a PDF in Java using iText at the same time?

我想把驻 Java的国防军看作是一个统一概念,在认为它的同时,能够把物品添加到它身上,并且在增加这些物品时,他们向人民抵抗力量作了更新,我期望它能够展示新的信息。

Is this possible using iText? Or any other way? If so, can someone point me in the right direction?



我认为,如果你使用普通照相机,转过这些数值,并再造。 勿庸置疑......,让我知道发生了什么事......

No , you cant view and edit a PDF in Java using iText at the same time. When you will try to do it , it will give the following error.

The process cannot access the file  myfile.pdf  because it is being used by another process.

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