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原标题:Neural network training in MATLAB


该守则如下。 什么是错的?


>> load( E:/Inputdata.txt );

>> load( E:/Targetdata.txt );

>> P = Inputdata(1:406,1:3);

>> T = Targetdata(1:406,1);

>> S = Inputdata(407:507,1:3);

>> Y = Targetdata(407:507,1);

>> [pn,minp,maxp,tn,mint,maxt]=premnmx(P ,T );

>> [sn,mins,maxs,yn,miny,maxy]=premnmx(S ,Y );

>> net =newff(minmax(pn),[5 2 1],{ tansig , tansig , tansig }, traingdm );

>> net.trainParam.show = 50;

>> net.trainParam.lr = 0.4;

>> net.trainParam.epochs = 3200;

>> net.trainParam.goal = 1e-5;

>> net=train (net,pn,tn);

>> A = sim (net,sn);

>> Z=postmnmx(A ,miny,maxy);

>> [Y Z]

75.8810    80.0903
76.5849    80.0903
77.2888    80.0903
77.9927    80.0903
78.6966    80.0903
79.4005    80.0903
80.1044    80.0903
80.8083    80.0903
128.6739   80.0903
129.3778   80.0903
130.0817   80.0903
130.7856   80.0903
131.4895   80.0903
132.1934   80.0903
132.8973   80.0903
133.6012   80.0903





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