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A. 从另一个构成部分获得的最新数据(使用zy装)
原标题:Update dataTable (using lazy loading) from another component

I m using lazy loading with pagination in a dataTable, and works fine. The problem is that I have an advanced search functionality in the same html page, and when I click on the search button, I want my dataTable to be updated according to the values I entered in the advanced search fields (this functionality is implemented at DaoFactory.getDocumentoDao().buscarLazy(first, pageSize), the code is below. But the update attribute at my button doesn t seem to do anything becouse the load method of the lazy model is not called. So the question is: can I somehow call the load method of the lazy model from outside of the model in order to have my dataTable updated?


<h:form id="frmCli">
    <p:commandButton value="Buscar"
    <h:panelGroup id="panelResultadosDoc">
        <div class="dataTable">     
            <p:dataTable id="documentos"
                   <f:facet name="header">Código</f:facet>
                   <h:outputText value="#{varDocBean.documento.id}"/>


public class DocumentoBuscadorBean {

   private LazyDataModel<DocumentoBean> lazyModel;

   public DocumentoBuscadorBean() {

      lazyModel = new LazyDataModel<DocumentoBean>() {

      public List<DocumentoBean> load(int first, int pageSize, String sortField, boolean sortOrder, Map<String,String> filters) { 
            List<DocumentoBean> lazyListDocumentos = new ArrayList<DocumentoBean>();
               try {                  
                  lazyListDocumentos = DaoFactory.getDocumentoDao().buscarLazy(first, pageSize);
             } catch (DocumentoException e) {
               return lazyListDocumentos;
   public LazyDataModel<DocumentoBean> getLazyModel() {
      return lazyModel;



<p:commandButton value="Buscar"

添加无参数的载荷,使您认为不会有混合逻辑。 如果你因某种原因不能使用EL 2.2(我强烈建议EL 2.2,尽管如此,可以节省很多细节:平行处理)。

意思是什么? <代码>varDocBean为DocumentoBean - soo为单证财产 Bean?

此外,Button的指挥系统没有做什么? 我只看到一个指挥Button,但没有的行动方法。

http://www.primefaces.org/showcase-labs/ui/datatable Lazy.jsf"rel=“nofollow”http://www.primefaces.org/showcase-labs/ui/datatable Lazy.jsf”

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