English 中文(简体)
原标题:Running JUnit tests against more type of databases

I have an application that uses databases through jdbc API (in fact spring jdbc template). We want to run our unit tests against more type of databases (MS SQL, Oracle, Postgre); Thus to run a test (for example with maven) that will run a unit tests 3x times, for each specified databases.




根本问题是,如何在不同的非行环境中多次进行同样的测试。 你们要么可以在试验框架一级执行(例如,与一名客户共同管理,要么作为DBUnit/推广),要么在建筑工具一级实施(如果你的建筑工具有足够的灵活性)。 在这两种情况下,应当能够有一个与Junnit和Spock合作的实施。 (以这种方式,Spock提供将Uniils并入外箱)。


你的测试是什么? 页: 1 您对数据库图示的q言? 根据答案,有两项战略:

In case it is java code you are testing, just mock up JDBC connection with mocking framework of your choice ( I would recommend jMockit ) and see that your code issues proper sql statements

In case it is database schema you can prepare SQL statements and send them to DB of your choice by most convenient means ( DBUnit could be also used for this purpose, or SoapUI, or other DB management tool )

Separating those 2 concerns would provide simpler and more robust tests for each tier.

PS: also consider to use some form of ORM - like JPA

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