@media only screen and (max-height: 580px){.rnd-class{:height:200px !important;}}
我认为,这个问题在我的法典中有些地方,但我没有访问过。 我注意到,它也改变了其在Browser rez的布局,并且使用了缺席的Boilerplate公司同样的媒体查询。
然而,甚至mobile Boilerplate仅与FF和Kook合作。 在访问时,媒体询问了胎盘,我收到了最小装置的版本。
Now my question is: do you guys experience the same in IE8? How does this site look for you in IE8 and does it change its styles depending on the current browser window size?
或者这很可能与我的具体版本有关? (现在我可以就另一个国际电子版本进行测试)。
And maybe, just maybe, some1 knows a solution to this?
P.S. I am currently using the default "Modernizr" (with respond.js build-in) script that comes with the HTML5 Boilerplate.