English 中文(简体)
• 如何以不同页页(不同语文的同页)对金融银行的评论进行分类和展示面读?
原标题:How can i group and display facebook comments done with FB comments plugin on different pages (same page in different languages)?

I use the Facebook comment plugin on my multilingual website. My website s URL contains website language and when someone comments on example.com/en/page.html it is not visible for user who is viewing the same page in French example.com/fr/page.html I want to display all comments done on the page in different languages (different URLs in this case). How can do that?.


<div class="fb-comments" data-href="example.com/fr/page.html" data-num-posts="2" data-width="630"></div>

It s propably not a good idea, because users will comment in different languages and not understand each other.


如果把book子看上去看是否有效的话,那么,当你把评论箱称作invalid<>>/em>网站时,它就仍然避开所有评论并显示这些评论。 请注意,你可能会出现气温差错。 因此,似乎更有理由把同样的国家代码用于所有国家!



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