English 中文(简体)
原标题:Push notifications not receiving on device

I am using APNS service in my universal app (iPhone/iPad) and i am not geting notifications on device. Previously i was getting notifications perfectly but now a days with the same code at server side and client, it is not working. On server side notification status is delivered but i am not receiving it on my device.

我已经检查了大部分关于停滞不前的问题,但我无法找到问题。 一位gu说,在发展环境中,它可能出现拖延,但我的问题是,我根本不收到通知。


  • I just revoke my certificates
  • Uploaded new certificates deleted all provision from my organizer and then created new provisions and installed them on my system. At the same time I got my APNS working.

就在你没有找到解决办法的情况下,如果适当确定你的装置日期和时间,还可以检查另外一件事(<>载于“OS<>)。 如果您的iPod、iP或iPadtt被装到,目前,我们发现通知被 silent弃。 当然,还有许多其他可能的解释,说明你为何停止工作,但这只是检查其他一切似乎都属于罚款的情况。


  1. Check the entitlements while codesigning the app. (They can be seen in Xcode build log).
  2. Check whether notifications are on for the device in the settings menu.
  3. If you are using corporate network on the iOS device, the push notifications might be blocked. Try using a different network.
  4. After launching the app, check the organizer for any logs with the reason why push notifications can not be enabled.


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