English 中文(简体)
能否确定 Java CharBuffer的立场?
原标题:Is it possible to set the position of a Java CharBuffer?



  • 1 char at position x
  • 2 chars at position x
  • ...
  • n chars at position x

failing that

  • 1 char at position x+1
  • 2 chars at position x+1
  • ...
  • n chars at position x+1



很容易用一个阵列来这样做,但我希望以某种方法这样做,并返回一个缓冲地带,指数显示下一步开始处理。 我因此认为CharBuffer是解决这一问题的好办法,但我不相信。

EDIT by way of an example - not exactly compile-able code!


List template1 = new List();
List template2 = new List();
String exampleInput = "oneone two";

template1.add ( "one" );
template1.add ( "two" );
template1.add ( "three" );

template2.add ( "one" );
template2.add ( "one" );
template2.add ( "two" );

Set templates = new Set();
templates.add ( template1 );
templates.add ( template2 );

NoisyParser np = new NoisyParser();
np.parse( templates, exampleInput );


void parse( Set templates, Sting inp ){
     iterate over each template that matches inp{
        find_match( template, inp );

boolean find_match( template, inp ) {
    This is where I need the magic to work out if the current element
    in template matches the current position of inp, or inp+1, give or take.


http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/nio/Buffer.html#position%28int%29”rel=“nofollow”Buffer.position(int newPosition)


Since classes from the NIO package usually are used for (and ment to be used for) I/O, I encourage you to consider wrapping up a char[] and an int pos in class:

class PositionableCharArray {
    int pos;
    char[] chars;

    public void setPos(int pos) { ... }
    public char readChar() { return chars[pos++]; }

Well you could implement this using Buffer.charAt(int) to get characters relative the current position, and Buffer.get() to advance the current position. Or you could use the Buffer operations for manipulating the position.

但我认为,你最好能执行你自己的班级,该班将品格写成<条码>(或<条码>/条码>),并提供进行你所需要的原始业务的方法。 <may> > 可通过<条码>CharBuffer获得一个更富有成效的解决办法,但这种机会是,这种胜利是业绩瓶颈。

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