English 中文(简体)
原标题:ActionListener can t reference array from public class?

为什么<条码> 公开无效行动 演练(活动),光彩/密码,强调无法找到象征或变数?

我是如何去掉的? 页: 1 表演(活动)

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class ColorOptionsPanel extends JPanel {
private final int WIDTH = 350, HEIGHT = 100, FONT_SIZE = 20;
private final int NUM_COLORS = 5;
private Color [] color = new Color[NUM_COLORS];
private JLabel heading;
private JRadioButton [] colorButton= new JRadioButton[color.length];

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets up a panel with a label at the top and a set of radio buttons
// that control the background color of the panel.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
public ColorOptionsPanel ()

// Set up heading and colors
heading = new JLabel ("Choose the background color!");
heading.setFont (new Font ("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, FONT_SIZE));
color[0] = Color.yellow;
color[1] = Color.cyan;
color[2] = Color.red;
color[3] = Color.green;
color[4] = Color.magenta;

colorButton[0]=new JRadioButton("Yellow",true);
colorButton[1]=new JRadioButton("Cyan");
colorButton[2]=new JRadioButton("Red");
colorButton[3]=new JRadioButton("Green");
colorButton[4]=new JRadioButton("Magenta");

// Instantiate a ButtonGroup object and a ColorListener object

ButtonGroup group=new ButtonGroup();
ColorListener listener = new ColorListener();
 for(int i = 0; i <colorButton.length; i++)

setBackground (Color.yellow);
setPreferredSize (new Dimension (WIDTH, HEIGHT));

// Set up the panel

// Group the radio buttons, add a ColorListener to each,
 // set the background color of each and add each to the panel.
// **************************************************************
// Represents the listener for the radio buttons.
// **************************************************************
private class ColorListener implements ActionListener
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Updates the background color of the panel based on
// which radio button is selected.
// --------------------------------------------------------

public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event)

Object source = event.getSource();

if (source==colorButton[i])




由于<代码>ColorListener是私人的,因此不能从任何其他地方看到,只是将其改为<编码>ColorOptions。 小组。 这样,私人领域<代码> 小组将从<编码>中查找。

public class ColorOptionsPanel extends JPanel {
    private JRadioButton [] colorButton= new JRadioButton[color.length];
    private class ColorListener implements ActionListener{
    // --------------------------------------------------------
    // Updates the background color of the panel based on
    // which radio button is selected.
    // --------------------------------------------------------
    public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event){
        Object source = event.getSource();
        if (source==colorButton[i]){setBackground(colorButton[i]);}   

您可将每一阵列要素作为理由通过<代码>colorButton至的构造者。 班级:

private class ColorListener implements ActionListener
    private JRadioButton rdoButton;
    public ColorListener(JRadioButton rdoButton)
        this.rdoButton = rdoButton;

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
         Object source = event.getSource();
         if(source == rdoButton) //...

and then you can use it like:

ColorListener listener = new ColorListener(colorButton[i]);

或者,你可以使用<条码>行动通知/代码>(见 rel=“nofollow”>,这一实例

您在<代码>i上做了初步编辑(<>>>)。 关注。

  1. colorButton is private to ColorOptionsPanel
  2. ColorListener is external to ColorOptionsPanel so can only access public members of ColorOptionsPanel

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