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Java: CD 图书馆辅导——哪些数据类型储存剪辑、艺术家和歌曲?
原标题:Java: CD Library tutorial - which data type to store cd, artists and songs?


  1. Test - for creating test data
  2. Music - should store all CDs
  3. CD - should store Artist and CD title + all Songs
  4. Artist - only contains String name
  5. Song - contains default-constructor with (Artist anArtist, String songtitle, String Duration)
  6. Duration - for the song duration and later calculations

i 审判一名ArrayList,但当我加入另一个裁谈会时,它就得过手。 我需要一个数据类型,储存数据,并与另一个阵列连接。 例如:储存CD1的艺术家和所有权,并与包含CD1所有歌曲的其他阵列建立联系。


班级代码 测试:

Artist aArtist = new Artist("artist1");
        CD aCD = myMusic.addCD(aArtist, "CD1");
        aCD.addSong(aArtist, "song1", "1:00");

aArtist = new Artist("artist2");
        CD aCD = myMusic.addCD(aArtist, "CD2"); //Overwrites arraylist from CD1
        aCD.addSong(aArtist, "song2", "2:00");

i 改变我的阿雷拉主义者的班级音乐和班级CD... i) 认为解决这一理论比较容易,但这里是法典:(输出所有保存的歌曲和CD所有权)。


    import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Music {
    private ArrayList<CD> myCDs = new ArrayList<CD>();

    public CD addCD(Artist anArtist, String cdTitle) {

        CD aCD = new CD(anArtist, cdTitle);
        return aCD;

    public void showData() {

        for (int i = 0; i < myCDs.size(); i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < myCDs.get(i).getMyCD().size(); j++) {




  import java.util.ArrayList;

public class CD {
    private String cdTitle;
    private ArrayList<Song> myCD = new ArrayList<Song>();

    public CD(Artist aArtist, String cdTitle) {
        setMyCD(aArtist, cdTitle);

    public ArrayList<Song> getMyCD() {
        return myCD;

    public String getMyCDtitle() {
        return cdTitle;

    public void setMyCD(Artist anArtist, String cdTitle) {
        this.cdTitle = anArtist.getName() + ": " + cdTitle;

    public void addSong(Artist anArtist, String aTitle, String aDuration) {

        myCD.add(new Song(anArtist, aTitle, aDuration));



 public class Song {
    private String song;

    public String getSong() {
        return song;

    public void setSong(String song) {
        this.song = song;

    public Song(Artist anArtist, String songtitle, String aDuration) {
        Duration songDuration = new Duration(aDuration);
        setSong(anArtist.getName() + ": " + songtitle + " ("
                + songDuration.getSongDuration() + ")");



in general: how would you solve such a project ? i would appreciate every advice or uml diagram.


This may be a problem with aArtist = new Artist("artist2"); CD aCD = myMusic.addCD(aArtist, "CD2"); //Overwrites arraylist from CD1 aCD.addSong(aArtist, "song2", "2:00"); You use the same Artist object. If you post your addCD method implementation it will be more open for us.



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