short answer
添加<条码>Cache-Control: nostore HTTP是XHR对策的负责人。
long answer
我确信,这是 Chrome的ug。 我看到我的照片中准确的两倍,在Edreo,但 Chrome的 break子中,它做了精细的工作。 我认为,问题在于 Chrome Chrome击XHR的对策,并在你向纽特州施压时从海滩上提供服务。 我用Etags,但 Chrome没有双手检查Etags。 它只是使用了线性反应,这一反应遗漏了所有外部内容。 迄今为止,最佳解决办法一是,在XHR的回复中添加<条码>。
You can see the behavior through Chrome s net-internals page. Type chrome://net-internals
in the URL bar, open the Events tab and go through the steps to reproduce your bug. When you go to a non-ajax page and then press the back button, you ll see a URL_REQUEST entry for the URL of the page you re trying to go to, but Chrome just checks the cache and that s it. Contrast that with a normal request for that URL. The normal one will have a cache check, followed by an HTTP_TRANSACTION_SEND_REQUEST section, which is where Chrome makes the actual HTTP request.