English 中文(简体)
• 如何用图像装饰进行j QueryMobile的电 to测量? [闭门]
原标题:How to make a jQueryMobile scrollview with image lazy load? [closed]


POCO objects with lazy loading

I am new to ASP.NET MVC, IoC, POCO, etc. So I want to know is it OK to use such kind of architecture. This is my demo project. Project.Core (this assembly referenced by all project) public class ...

CGImage/UIImage lazily loading on UI thread causes stutter

My program displays a horizontal scrolling surface tiled with UIImageViews from left to right. Code runs on the UI thread to ensure that newly-visible UIImageViews have a freshly loaded UIImage ...

nHibernate Collection Count

I have the following model which I have created and mapped with nHibernate. Using lazy loading so I don t need to get the Vehicles for the Dealer at the start. Public class Dealer { public virtual ...

Fetched Properties v Relationships (Core Data - iPhone)

I m a new iPhone developer (of about 4 months or so) who is starting to look at Core Data. In the "Beginning iPhone 3 Development" book by Dave Mark it mentions that the main difference between ...

Is Shared ReadOnly lazyloaded?

I was wondering when I write Shared ReadOnly Variable As DataType = New DataType() Or alternatively Shared ReadOnly Variable As New DataType() Is it lazy loaded or as the instance initializes? ...
