English 中文(简体)
原标题:Perl Script return value as input to second perl script

I need to write a script getPwd.pl($user) that parses a password file an returns the password for a particular user.


DEFINE ALICE =  alice#1 ;
DEFINE BENICE =  benice#1 ;
DEFINE CATHY =  cathy#1 ;

A second script authUser.pl must call getPwd.pl($user) and the returned value will be passed into the second script to authenticate a user.


Please assist and provide some guidance on how to go about this.


我同意,整个系统应当固定下来。 如果你能够执行,你肯定有能力解决问题!

However, to answer the actual question, the best thing to do would be to call getPwd.pl as a command (not as a function like you ve shown above).

my $pwd = `getPwd.pl $user`



你可以简单地印刷从密码档案中提取的价值,并使用背书或<代码>qx(),在授权书中加以记录。 例如:

my $pass = qx(/path/to/password.pl cathy);


my $name = shift;
open my $fh,  < ,  /path/to/password.txt  or die $!;
while (<$fh>) {
    /^DEFINE $name =/i && last; # Optional /i modifier for case insensitive match

if ($_ && /^DEFINE $name =  ([^ ]+) /) { # Must check $_ is not empty
    print $1;

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