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PHP 处理文件[复制]
原标题:PHP code for handling a csv file [duplicate]
  • 时间:2011-11-21 06:39:30
  •  标签:
  • php
This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.

Possible Duplicate:
Load and read a csv file with php

,,"CS Speech Drop Call Rate %","CS64 Drop Call Rate %","DCR_PS_R99_Eric","DCR_HS_P7_Eric","pmNoNormalRabReleasePacketUra","pmNoNormalRabReleasePacket","pmNoNormalRbReleaseHs","pmNoSystemRbReleaseHs","pmNoSuccRbReconfOrigPsIntDch","pmChSwitchSuccFachUra","pmNoSystemRabReleasePacketUra","pmNoSystemRabReleasePacket","pmUpswitchFachHsSuccess","pmNoSystemRbReleaseEul","pmNoNormalRbReleaseEul","pmEulToDchSuccess","pmPsIntHsToFachSucc","pmNoSystemRabReleaseSpeech","pmNoNormalRabReleaseSpeech"
"W38314011","9 Nov 11",0.44 %,,1.36 %,0.20 %,14,4657,4116,12,51,362,11,36,1136,8,1608,57,1604,1,226
,"10 Nov 11",0.75 %,,1.14 %,0.17 %,12,7593,6984,15,99,427,19,47,1226,10,2559,37,1735,2,265
,"11 Nov 11",0.31 %,0.00 %,0.94 %,0.19 %,11,7613,6951,17,66,232,13,39,1000,14,2411,41,1593,1,325
,"12 Nov 11",0.00 %,,1.33 %,0.37 %,9,5507,4850,25,53,335,12,51,993,22,2470,50,1586,0,325
,"13 Nov 11",1.14 %,0.00 %,1.69 %,0.21 %,12,7158,6440,18,47,291,12,48,1191,15,2839,59,1781,3,261
,"14 Nov 11",0.00 %,,1.59 %,0.25 %,19,6351,5660,20,97,348,13,51,1349,17,2732,54,1918,0,286
,"15 Nov 11",0.25 %,,0.95 %,0.15 %,19,8994,8289,17,125,340,14,42,1870,15,3539,48,2548,1,400
"W38314021","9 Nov 11",0.53 %,,1.17 %,0.14 %,51,13429,11715,24,125,916,32,88,2676,16,5087,520,4126,3,563
,"10 Nov 11",0.63 %,0.00 %,2.06 %,0.21 %,53,16527,14381,44,147,953,52,163,3441,29,6123,549,5232,4,632
,"11 Nov 11",0.23 %,,0.63 %,0.13 %,63,15273,13069,27,221,1112,50,99,3514,17,5952,544,5318,2,876
,"12 Nov 11",0.13 %,0.00 %,1.65 %,0.13 %,34,15788,13911,25,146,1052,49,125,2818,17,5828,512,4330,1,741
,"13 Nov 11",0.22 %,,2.76 %,0.15 %,46,13034,11555,25,111,848,31,124,2310,12,5443,386,3514,1,463
,"14 Nov 11",0.37 %,,3.59 %,0.14 %,47,14621,12934,27,153,1131,41,177,3172,17,6410,581,4489,3,805
,"15 Nov 11",0.38 %,0.00 %,3.62 %,0.14 %,42,15307,13323,27,174,866,55,194,2948,22,7244,548,4623,3,785

I have a csv(5 MB) file like this. Two empty "," signifies two headings, one for Value and one for date. From second row onwards the value is given only for one day of the week other 6 days of the week are empty in first column. Then the value is given for the the first day of next week and so on..........

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 我需要一部《实验室法典》,以复制该周所有7天的价值。


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