English 中文(简体)
4. 多重卷宗的处理方式
原标题:pattern match processing of multiple .frm files

我有多个VB6<代码>.frm文档。 见下文。 我想要从法典中删除职能和子,只留下形式设计。


利用配对方式或类似方式,我如何处理<代码>.frm的文档,以便最后文本之后的所有文件都能查阅。 沥青线被删除? 如果我正在通过档案进行追踪,那么我怎么能够告诉最后一条直线在哪里?


Begin VB.Form Form1
    Caption = "Form1"
    ClientHeight = 3195
    ClientLeft = 60
    ClientTop = 345
    ClientWidth = 4680
    LinkTopic = "Form1"
    ScaleHeight = 3195
    ScaleWidth = 4680
    StartUpPosition = 3  Windows Default
    Begin VB.CommandButton Command1
        Caption = "Command1"
        Height = 495
        Left = 1800
        TabIndex = 1
        Top = 1320
        Width = 1215
    Begin VB.TextBox Text1
        Height = 495
        Left = 360
        TabIndex = 0
        Text = "Text1"
        Top = 240
        Width = 1215

Attribute VB_Name = "Form1"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False

Private Sub Command1_Click()
    Text1.Text = "Hello World"
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
    Text1.BackColor = vbBlue


1) If line starts with Attribute then don t delete. 2) If line starts with Attribute set a flag to start deleting all subsequent lines.

Rule #1 will prevent you from deleting subsequent Attribute lines, and there should be nothing you want to keep after the first Attribute you encounter unless it s an Attribute.



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