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原标题:Which rounding mode to be used for currency manipulation in java?

I have read on java site to use BigDecimal for currencies. http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/datatypes.html

但是,我们应当采用什么样的四舍五入的模式? 它是最合适的,而且最广泛地是我们


没有“正确”模式,它取决于商业情况。 实例:

  • When calculating annual taxes, the fractions are often cut off (RoundingMode.FLOOR).
  • When calculating a bonus, you might want to always round in favor of the customer (RoundingMode.CEILING).
  • For taxes on a bill, you usually round HALF_UP
  • When doing complex financial simulations, you don t want to round at all.

The documentation of RoundingMode 载有不同模式如何运作的许多实例。


尽管如此,<代码>BigDecimal 是 Java使用的适当类型,因为它可以保持任何精确度,而且可以让你选择最适合你情况的环绕模式。

大部分时间<代码>BigDecimal是货币的唯一有效选择。 但选择四舍五入的战略并非显而易见。

The default is HALF_EVEN which happens to be a good choice. This algorithm is known as bankers rounding (see discussion here).



For the financial applications ROUND_HALF_EVEN is the most common rounding mode. That mode avoids bias. But for display you should use NumberFormat class. This class will take care of localization issues for amounts in different currencies. But NumberFormat accepts primitives only. So use last one if you can accept small accuracy change in transformations to a double.

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