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Join 两部命令收集的LLINQ
原标题:Join two ordered collections with LINQ

I ve got two data category, Foo and Bar, which have a property to establish order:

class Foo
    public int Order { get; set; }
    public string FooValue { get; set; }

class Bar
    public int Order { get; set; }
    public string BarValue { get; set; }

然后,我收到两卷此类资料。 我也希望参加收集工作,这样,结果将包含<代码>的配对。 Foo和Bar。 奶制品的数量应为<条码> /条码>。

Each pair should consist of a Bar element and the most "recent" Foo element (with largest Foo Order value, bounded by the current Bar Order value).


var foos = new [] { (1, "Foo1"), (2, "Foo2"), (5, "Foo5"), (7, "Foo7") };
var bars = new [] { (1, "Bar1"), (6, "Bar6") };


result = { 
    ((1, "Bar1"), (1, "Foo1")),
    ((6, "Bar6"), (5, "Foo5"))

我如何用LINQ和C# 4.0来做到这一点?



var result = bars.Zip(foos, 
        (b,f) => Tuple.Create(b, foos.TakeWhile(foo => foo.Order <= b.Order).Last()));

当然,自“条形”以来,它的效率仍然低于它的作用。 每一条“条形状”


var foos = new [] { new Foo(1, "Foo1"), new Foo(3, "Foo3"), new Foo(5, "Foo5")};
var bars = new [] { new Bar(1, "Bar1"), new Bar(2, "Bar2") };


    ((1, "Bar1"), (1, "Foo1")),
    ((2, "Bar2"), (1, "Foo1")) //Foo1 again


var fubars = from bar in bars
             let bestFoo = foos.TakeWhile(foo => foo.Order <= bar.Order)
             select new { Bar = bar, Foo = bestFoo };

Otherwise, I suggest sorting the foos first.

你可以通过使用双轨搜索(例如,wih Array.BinarySearch)而不是像我的样本那样的线性搜索来提高这种查询的效率。


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