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Android- 隐形图像数量和大小的设计模式
原标题:Android - Design Pattern for Storing Indeterminate Amounts and Sizes of Images
  • 时间:2011-11-23 13:11:59
  •  标签:
  • android

我正试图决定什么地方储存作为瞬时电文的一部分发送到照片。 这些话语在谈话史上可以浏览,有时在最初收到后相当长时间。 你们可以想象,还有其他一些需要类似的使用案例,因此,这里的问题是“保存不确定的图像数量和规模的最佳做法”。


  • SQLite storage is clearly a bad option since the image size is not bounded.
  • It is neither desirable nor undesirable that these images be publicly available to other apps or discoverable by MediaScanner. We are assumed to be perfectly neutral on this point...


1. 外部储存



...use getExternalCacheDir() to open a File that represents the external storage directory where you should save cache files. If the user uninstalls your application, these files will be automatically deleted. However, during the life of your application, you should manage these cache files and remove those that aren t needed in order to preserve file space.

与内部储存库不同,没有关于安乐团自动回收外部储存空间的声明。 然而,“海滩”一词使我很紧张。

  • Question 1: Do these files remain until explicitly deleted regardless?
  • Question 2: Is there any other external storage other than the cache that is automatically deleted upon app uninstall AND is preferable to the external cache for some specific reason?

2. 内部储存


  • Question 3: Is the only practical difference between the internal cache retrieved through getCacheDir() and files created with openFileOutput(FILENAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE) that Android may delete files in the cache directory when under pressure for storage space?


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