English 中文(简体)
原标题:Jersey URL forwarding

在泽西岛,我想向另一个网站转播。 我如何能够做到这一点?

public class News {

    public String getForwardNews(
        @PathParam("news_id") String id) throws Exception {

        //how can I make here a forward to "http://somesite.com/news/id" (not redirect)?

        return "";


页: 1 替代类别(Proxy78/code)的本地价值 在试图做这样的事情时有错误:

HttpServletRequest request;
HttpServletResponse response;
ServletContext context;


RequestDispatcher dispatcher =  context.getRequestDispatcher("url");
dispatcher.forward(request, response);
public Response foo()
    URI uri = UriBuilder.fromUri(<ur url> ).build();
    return Response.seeOther( uri ).build();

I used above code in my application and it works.


public String getForwardNews(

@Context final HttpServletRequest request,

@Context final HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception


System.out.println("CMSredirecting... ");


return "";


我现在可以试一下。 但原因并非如此。

步骤1. 进入HttpServletResponse。 声明如下:

HttpServletResponse _currentResponse;




当然,为了向前推进,你需要找到“SerletContext”。 解决方式与应对方式相同:

ServletContext _context;

Now _context.forward is available

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