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原标题:Gmail image map - only the last area works

Im 制作一个带有图像图的超文本电子邮件,其中有两个直径区:

<img src="newsletter_files/background.jpg" width="600" height="584" border="0" alt="39steps crimbo cards" usemap="#email">

<map name="email">
<area shape="rect" name="emailaddress" coords="212,305,350,290" href="mailto:[email protected]" alt="Email [email protected]" />
<area shape="rect" name="website" coords="585,485,465,550" href="http://www.domain.co.uk" target="_blank" alt="Domain link" />

只能是第二件工程。 第一个问题被忽视。 我用谷歌解决问题,但找不到任何东西。





What I suggest is open the image in photoshop and use the slice tool. When you save you can save images and html. The html outputted will be perfect for emails.


  • ALWAYS use tables
  • NEVER use p tags
  • always put display:block on your images (this prevents unwanted gaps between images on some email clients

这与你的形象图无关。 第一个环节被忽略,因为它带有邮件:电话。 邮递如果含有邮件,则将胶卷从中除:

I just read something interesting from Constant Contact. here is what it said:


    <area shape="rect" coords="88,23,166,38" href="mailto:[email protected]"/>

......超文本链接不会起作用。 简单地消除了结局,将使这一联系再次活跃。

• 在与URL的正常超文本链接中,将用一个定制的超文本电子邮件进行结局。

• Leaving a closing forward slash after a mailto: link in a custom XHTML email will work. But -

• 邮局发出一个封闭式闪光:在定制的超文本电子邮件中链接,NOT将发挥作用。

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