English 中文(简体)
原标题:DataView with Extjs 3

I create a panel that show me on the left thumbnails of images and when I click on an image it shows on the right panel. It works but i want when i open this page and without clicking on any thumb, it shows me on the right panel a defaut image (this value contain the link of the default image D.data.defaultimage)


var Pstore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
        proxy: new Ext.data.HttpProxy({
            url:  page.php?cmd=Affich ,
            method:  POST 
        root:  images ,
        fields: [  name ,  url ,  thumb_url  ]

    var tpl = new Ext.XTemplate(
         <tpl for="."> ,
             <div class="thumb-wrap" id="{name}"> ,
             <center><img src="{thumb_url}" title="{name}"></center> ,
                 <span>{name}</span></div> ,
    tplDetail = new Ext.XTemplate(
         <div class="details"> ,
             <tpl for="."> ,
                 <center><img src="{url}"></center> ,       
             </tpl> ,

    datav = new Ext.DataView({
        autoScroll  : true,
        store       : Pstore, 
        tpl         : tpl,
        autoHeight  : false,
        multiSelect : true,
        overClass   :  x-view-over ,
        itemSelector:  div.thumb-wrap ,
        emptyText   :  No images ,
        listeners: {
            click: {
                fn: function() {
                    selNode = datav.getSelectedRecords();
                    tplDetail.overwrite(panelPreview.body, selNode[0].data);
                    panelPreview.body.fadeIn( l , {duration:0.5});

    var panelLeft = new Ext.Panel({
        id          :  images-view ,
        title       :  Pages ,
        autoScroll  : true,
        region      :  west ,
        frame       : true,
        width       : 180,
        layout      :  fit ,
        items       : datav
    panelPreview = new Ext.Panel({
        title       :  Aperçu: ,
        region      :  center ,
        autoScroll  : true,
        frame       : true,
        layout      :  fit ,
        id          :  panelDetail ,
        tpl         : tplDetail

    Affich = new Ext.FormPanel({
        frame       : true,
        layout      :  border ,
        bodyStyle   :  padding:5px ,
        renderTo    :  right-bottom ,
        items       : [panelLeft, panelPreview]



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