What are side effects when iam return a Resulset(java.sql.ResultSet) in the method using java.
I m利用JPA开展一个项目,在大多数情况下,都希望获得实体,但有一些案例(报告是其中之一,但还有其他一些)我不想或需要获得实体,但......
What are side effects when iam return a Resulset(java.sql.ResultSet) in the method using java.
It leaks the ResultSet out of the method. This means that it is up to the caller to clean up the Connection. Only do this if the ResultSet contains too much data to simply copy it into memory (and then close it within the method), and if the caller can be expected to manage database connections (for example, when the Connection was passed into the method as a parameter as well).
I m利用JPA开展一个项目,在大多数情况下,都希望获得实体,但有一些案例(报告是其中之一,但还有其他一些)我不想或需要获得实体,但......
What would be the datatype in java equivalent to the PL/SQL datatype BINARY_INTEGER?
I have a Java web app using JDBC created in NetBeans deployed to Tomcat that gives a "java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for ..." error. The same app works fine when I run it as a non-web ...
I can t figure out how to set MaxPooledStatements in Oracle using the Oracle thin JDBC driver. Could someone point me in the right direction?
I have been trying to execute a MS SQL Server stored procedure via JDBC today and have been unsuccessful thus far. The stored procedure has 1 input and 1 output parameter. With every combination I ...
I am doing the following in my SampleServlet.java //Fill resultset from db .... try { ArrayList Rows = new ArrayList(); while (resultSet.next()){ ArrayList row = new ArrayList(); ...
The problem is, that after displaying the ResultSet with <h:dataTable>, the connection is left open. If I close it, it closes the ResultSet too. I m thinking about copying the ResultSet data ...
am using this connection string to connect to mysql from java: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/db?noDatetimeStringSync=true&useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=UTF-8 is it possible to set the ...