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原标题:Maven project defined repository not works

RESOLVED P.S.Because I don t have enough reputation to answer my own question right now so I put the solution in the question.

我刚刚开始使用马文和我的roid子项目。 我使用的游戏发动机称为微调器,它不是在中央波里,因此我不得不自行安装。

After check the instruction, I use this method.https://stackoverflow.com/q/2230464/531223. I add below defined xml code in root pom.xml


And install the jar files I needed successfully with the method in that answer. However, when I execute command mvn install or mvn -o install, it still tell me can t find the jar file. I m not sure the repository I added in root pom.xml is working.
Can anyone tell me where I made the mistake and how to check whether the project defined repository is working? Thank you.

Thank you Death, I figured it out, it s my silly fault.

我的项目有3个单元。 普通和roid。 我把共同/亲爱的 d子作为我的存放处。 因此,我开始使用Maven。 除2个错误外,我所做的一切都是正确的。

1. 导言 Put the sediment Code in fundamental pom.xml not in pom.xml in the android dir which I . 我只是认为它会奏效,但却是 t。

2. 如果我把该守则放在右 d中,我就应当修改该 ,则该 based子已经改变。


  1. Run 帮助:

  2. 查阅<repositories> section, 查找my- local-repo, 并查看real 途径(不包括文件http:// prefix)

  3. run this command (from the link you found yourself) mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:2.3.1:install-file -Dfile=/path/to/your.jar -DgroupId=yourGroup -DartifactId=yourArtifactId -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=jar -DlocalRepositoryPath=the_path_you_looked_up_excluding_file://

  4. 如果出现错误的话,可以确保: 载有带子结构的<代码>grp/your ArtifactId/1.0/,your.jar,载于此处。

  5. 在您的项目must之后,即可找到对这一定义的依赖。


I agree with Oleg s answer but if the problem persists after all his steps, check your global settings.xml file for possible usage of the tag.


e. 您的om。


• 确保<代码>和t;USER_HOME>m2dings.xml 忽视


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