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原标题:live streaming using Media Foundation SDK

利用媒体基金会使用数据I m编码,将数据从网络上流出,而不是将其编成WMV的档案?


First, I guess, you need to know what format (encoded as/contained in) you are going to stream as.

I am thinking h264. With windows 7 media foundation create h264 helper functions. You need to create a topology. Source reads a file and sink turns the decoded and encoded format to h264. All you need is source and a sink. You dont actually need a decoder and an encoder. Topology builder figures what needs to be plugged in between.

There is a CreateTranscodeTopology function but that wont help you because it writes the encoded data to a file. That is why you need to create your own topology.


你们的思考应当让你们执行这一 by。 你履行“标准”职能时,将写到你想要向数据发送的袖珍。 因此,也许你可以向基金组织执行银行董事会的施工者或追随职能转告。

I would also suggest you put some print statements in the the other function that you need to implement in IMFByteStream because SinkWriter calls certain stuff like. GetCapabilities so you should at least return.

HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE NetworkOutputStream::GetCapabilities(__RPC__out DWORD        *pdwCapabilities){HRESULT hr=S_OK; 


return hr;

尽管如此, 如果您在客户中担任过角色(“超文本5 Browser”) 我建议你采用“最惠国”的例子。

Creating topology is mostly for playback and stuff. So it decodes and encodes it the speed that move should play. But all you need is encode the file and send it of the wire . So take a look at the MFCopy and implement your own IMFByteStream. Instead of creating a sink that write to local file system pass your IMFByteStream to the sink.

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