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历史是这样。 j 了解后纽顿何时受到压制
原标题:Is there a way in History.js to know when the back button was pressed

I ve开始测试History.js。 在了解如何操作和没有<代码>popstate后,有statechange。 当浏览器的背顿受到压力时,我会寻求一种不同的方式。

原因是,我需要先了解卢爱拉,然后从一米进入。 gist 该项目只包括我们将要研究的URL。


增 编


我认为,就我而言,光顾问题的解决办法是微不足道的。 我创造了一种永远真实的ool,但我利用历史改变国家之前的权利除外。

var manualStateChange = true;

History.Adapter.bind(window, statechange ,function(){
    if(manualStateChange == true){
    manualStateChange = true;


manualStateChange = false;
History.pushState(null, null, currentPath);


Scenario: Use HTML5 History (or history.js plugin) on a set of pages Then other pages we need real loads, aka a standard page (don t ask why, but there are certain use cases that this may be needed)

当你从历史的一页起,确实装上标准一页。 你们不能去BACK:它改变了ur,但只把 page装在火上;我假定这是最初员额的问题。 我的个人意见是,这是一个浏览器泡沫(所有浏览器都有问题),因为浏览器应当知道你重新登上的那一页是在历史页之外再上载的。

I fixed this with something really simple: Listening to the statechange event and tell the browser to refresh when it does fire. This way I don t care if they go back or forward out of this page. If the browser thinks the state is changing (links don t fire the statechange event), only back/forward INTO a History state page fires this event, so it solves the issue.

Code, using jQuery + History.js plugin:

$(window).on( statechange , function() {

如果这样说,你可能不会有这个问题。 然而,我注意到,在许多网站do <>>>使用超文本5历史(如果你在图像模式上重载,然后试图回来,这个问题就存在)。

Hopefully, if you do have this issue, you ll find this answer and have a huge sigh of relief :)

In the offical version this feature is not available. Try to use this file in the main while: https://github.com/danger89/history.js/blob/master/scripts/bundled/html5/jquery.history.js

I can t guarantee that his solution works for every browser. But it s a nice solution. If you applied his changes, you can use:

var State = History.getState();
if (State.navigation) {
    // Back / forward button is pressed.


Similar answer than that of James Wagoner. the statechange event was being fired both ways, so instead I only check for a popstate event, which in my case is only called when the user goes back.

window.addEventListener( popstate , function() {

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