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• 如何在C#中将物体编码为长处?
原标题:How to encode an object to a long string in C#?

我想通过一个对我的教育、科学和技术部服务器表示反对的问询,我看到了在URL中长篇插座的网站,该插图载有许多信件,它像协会一样。 NET view statestring





You can use base64 encoding on the JSON representation, using Convert.ToBase64String and transmit that.




Mojarra for JSF Encoding

Can anyone teach me how to use mojarra to encode my JSF files. I downloaded mojarra and expected some kind of jar but what i had downloaded was a folder of files i don t know what to do with

encoding of file shell script

How can I check the file encoding in a shell script? I need to know if a file is encoded in utf-8 or iso-8859-1. Thanks

Using Java PDFBox library to write Russian PDF

I am using a Java library called PDFBox trying to write text to a PDF. It works perfect for English text, but when i tried to write Russian text inside the PDF the letters appeared so strange. It ...

what is encoding in Ajax?

Generally we are using UTF-8 encoding standard for sending the request for every language. But in some language this encoding standard is not working properly,then in that case we are using ISO-8859-1....

Encoding of window.location.hash

Does window.location.hash contain the encoded or decoded representation of the url part? When I open the same url (http://localhost/something/#%C3%BC where %C3%BCtranslates to ü) in Firefox 3.5 and ...

Auth-code with A-Za-z0-9 to use in an URL parameter

As part of a web application I need an auth-code to pass as a URL parameter. I am currently using (in Rails) : Digest::SHA1.hexdigest((object_id + rand(255)).to_s) Which provides long strings like : ...
