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原标题:Reserving space in html markup or adsense ads

Hey so this is really simple question, but for some reason I couldn t find an answer via google. I m in the process of building a website (many things are still not functioning), but Im now adressing look and feel I would like have space reserved for adds in my php templates. Is it enough to just add a <div class= advertisement > and use standard css to hold position? (I know this will work for my purposes) Howver I am woundering if once google crawls my site in future will require less work to have add s displaying. p.s. I have also readthrough google s guidlines on where add should be placed and hava a differnet look then rest of page Just woundering if I m missing something.


如果你使用<条码>和代尔;</div>(在标的之间没有内容),并界定空间安全局的要素范围,这足以保留空间,而谷歌认为空间是空洞的(因为是空的),而忽视空间,直到你提出某些内容。 无需向谷歌通报该网页的未来内容。

如果你希望将某些my子内容插入这一元素,例如“这里的广告”(实际上属于某种用途)或“为他人保留”这个大韩民国。 它可以帮助您进行发展和评价。 在发射时,它们是否真的是大韩民国,需要仔细考虑。 但是,对于搜索引擎来说,这只是内容,而且可能并不相关——它不会造成多大的危害,但却无助于。 (我们没有期望人们寻找这些事情,我们是否?)


@Mr.Alien comment is all I was really loking fir if google does not provide adds for testing... copy and pasted below @brendanmorrison Keep sample banners with a text Advertise Here

I just read your exponential article and I totally agree that startups should focus on Email Marketing to create an initial fan base. I run Email where I help companies link Metaveresnow. turn blog readers into email subscribers. I noticed that, while you have a great blog, you don t have any lead magnets or opt-in forms to turn your readers into subscribers. I have some ideas in mind, to help Metaveresnow. gain even more new subscribers and I think the best person to talk with would be your marketing manager. so we could potentially discuss this topic further?

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