English 中文(简体)
如何处理以前删除的顺序交易编号,以便它们能够继续按顺序在维也纳国际中心的MSESS数据库中。 NET
原标题:How to handle sequential transaction numbers that were previously deleted so they can remain sequential in MS ACCESS database in Dapper with VB.NET

如何在使用VB的Dapper的MSACESS数据库中删除以往的顺序交易编号。 NET?

Below is the transaction number that I deleted previously:


如果我从 com箱中选择转让项目“DEPT-ITU-”的价值,交易编号如下:


因此,如果我从 com箱中选择转让项目“DEPT-ITU-”的价值,那么交易号预期结果如下:


请 指南

增 编

Public Class Form1
    Private HeaderInvno As Integer
    Dim sis As New Stocksinservice()
    Private CurrentMonthYear As String
    Private ItemTransferIn As String   Define ItemTransferIn as a string
    Private Sub CreateInvno()
         Dim myDate As DateTime = DateTime.Now
        Dim myDate As DateTime = DateTimePicker1.Value
        Dim strTime As String = myDate.ToString("MMyy-")
        Dim newMonthYear As String = myDate.ToString("yyMM")

          Set ItemTransferIn based on ComboBox1.Text
        If ComboBox1.Text = "ITEM TRANSFER IN" Then
            ItemTransferIn = "DEPT-ITI-"
        ElseIf ComboBox1.Text = "PURCHASE INVOICE" Then
            ItemTransferIn = "DEPT-PI-"
        ElseIf ComboBox1.Text = "RECEIVE ITEM" Then
            ItemTransferIn = "DEPT-RI-"
        End If
          Retrieve the HeaderInvno and MonthYear from the database
        Dim stockin = sis.SelectTop(ItemTransferIn)
        If stockin IsNot Nothing Then
            HeaderInvno = stockin.HeaderInvno
            CurrentMonthYear = stockin.MonthYear
            HeaderInvno = 0
            CurrentMonthYear = ""
        End If
           Check if the month and year have changed
        If stockin Is Nothing OrElse myDate.Year > stockin.InvnoDate.Year OrElse myDate.Month > stockin.InvnoDate.Month Then
                     If Not newMonthYear.Equals(CurrentMonthYear) Then
            HeaderInvno = 1
            CurrentMonthYear = newMonthYear
            HeaderInvno = stockin.HeaderInvno + 1
        End If
          Concatenate ItemTransferIn with other parts of the invoice number
        BtxtInvoNo.Text = ItemTransferIn & strTime & HeaderInvno.ToString("00000")
    End Sub
    Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedValueChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectedValueChanged
    End Sub

Public Class Stocksinservice
    Private connectionString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|DEMO.accdb;Persist Security Info=False;"
    Public Function SelectTop(itemTransferIn As String) As Stocksin
        Dim sql = $"SELECT TOP 1 HeaderInvno,InvnoDate FROM Stocksin WHERE ItemTransferIn =  {itemTransferIn}  ORDER BY HeaderInvno DESC "
        Using _conn = New OleDbConnection(connectionString)
            Return _conn.Query(Of Stocksin)(sql).FirstOrDefault()
        End Using
    End Function
End Class
Public Class Stocksin
    Public Property Invno() As String
    Public Property HeaderInvno() As Integer
    Public Property Transaction() As String
    Public Property InvnoDate As DateTime
    Public Property ItemTransferIn() As String
    Public Property MonthYear() As String
End Class

表 <代码>Stockin

Invno HeaderInvno Transaction InvnoDate ItemTransferIn MonthYear
DEPT-ITI-1023-00001 1 ITEM TRANSFER IN 19/10/2023 DEPT-ITI- 2310
DEPT-ITI-1023-00003 3 ITEM TRANSFER IN 19/10/2023 DEPT-ITI- 2310


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