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原标题:Adding only date into core data as NSDate

我有一个网络服务,可以收回一名JSON物体。 答复包括UNIX(milliseconds)格式的复读时间。 我将UNIX时间邮票改为NSDate,其代码如下:

NSDate *date = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:[[timeInUNIX objectAtIndex:i]doubleValue]/1000];


2009-11-13 19:47:49 +0000

我只想到这个日期。 这一点很重要,因为这一天用于国家安全局的描述人员,也作为表层的主人,因此,我把日期和时间与以下法典分开:

+ (NSDate *)dateWithOutTime:(NSDate *)datDate {
    if( datDate == nil ) {
        datDate = [NSDate date];
    NSDateComponents* comps = [[NSCalendar currentCalendar] components:NSYearCalendarUnit|NSMonthCalendarUnit|NSDayCalendarUnit fromDate:datDate];
    return [[NSCalendar currentCalendar] dateFromComponents:comps];

The problem here is the returned NSDate object still contains a junk time value. Is there any way to store only the date in NSDate format?

Can someone help me with this?

Regards, iSee



If you are only interested in the day/month/year sections, the correct way to deal with this is to use a date formatter or date components when presenting the date, rather then when you store it. Alternatively, store the date as a string, but this way you lose any date functionality.



  1. Take the NSTimeInterval from the date, then truncate it down to the nearest 60*60*24 (seconds*minutes*hours). Something like interval = floor(interval - interval % (60*60*24)). Create a new date from that.
  2. Convert the date into a string showing only the date, then convert that string back to NSDate (might still have junk time components, though, but you can pad the string with 0 values).

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