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原标题:get stylesheet content from head

I am trying to get a certain stylesheet from the head using javascript/jQuery. I do not want to use $( head ).get(0).innerHTML or similar cause the head is filled up with more than 30 script and link elements.


// that s the one
var $my_stylesheet = $(document.body.previousSibling).find( link:last );

//those did not work (result: "")

What can i do to get the stylesheet content from the head?


Try to request via ajax call:

var $my_stylesheet_url = $( head ).find( link:first ).attr( href );

var content;
$.get($my_stylesheet_url, function(data) {
    content = data;
    // do your staff here

Code: http://jsfiddle.net/kh2en/1/


The actual way to access the stylesheets in Javascript is to reference document.styleSheets. If you have Chrome, or Firefox with Firebug, you can type that into the Javascript console and see what s available inside it.

Here are some good references to look at.

可以在不依赖GET申请的情况下获得风格表的内容。 关于联系内容的风格说明与 Java语。 好消息是,你能够用文件查阅这一目的。 风格或文件。 内容 ById(链接-对面)。

If you re going to use the document.stylesheets, you will see a map with all of your link tags. So, the fastest way is to add an id (or another unique flag).


const sheet = document.getElementById( link-tag-id ).sheet;

With the link tag sheet, you can extract the css using the following snippet:

const css = Array.from(sheet.cssRules).map(rule => rule.cssText).join(   );


If you want to make a test, you can paste the code below on your console of any webpage, it will output the content of the first style sheet on the head:

const sheet = document.styleSheets[0];
const css = Array.from(sheet.cssRules).map(rule => rule.cssText).join(   );

如果你使用<条码>和>;链接/>的内容与风格相链接,则你需要请非洲航天中心阅读其内容。 此外,这只会在同一个领域进行风格表的工作。

$( link[rel="stylesheet"] ).each(function (i, ele) {
  $.get($(this).attr( href ), function (data) {

如果你通过<条码>和>; 字形与格;要素,你可以通过<条码>获取内容。

$( style ).each(function (i, ele) {

Try this example... This will fetch the content of the first stylesheet

     url : $(document).find( link )[0].href,
     dataType : text ,
     success :function(data){

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