Even shorter answer: you don t need it :)
Large answer: See Stephan explanation on how Pharo it self is created :))
Of course, if you are used to file based systems, this will be strange at first instance, but once you start working, you will realize that you have all the tools you need to version control (monticello –this is the replacement for Git/Subversion), and for creating complex installations (metacello –this is the replacement for things like maven).
With some work (as always and with any platform you choose), you can setup your own continuous integration server (jenkins or hudson or whatever) and soon you will be team working just as in other environments, but with one big plus: you will be developing Seaside/Smalltalk :P
EDIT:这是很老的答案,经过了许多时间。 自那以后,Paro已经发展起来,这已不再是真实的,因为你与Gite(Named iceberg)进行了良好的融合,提供了所需的一切,而大多数以Npharo为基础的项目现在已经投入使用(和αro本身,见