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原标题:Tracking Google Analytics on a 1 page website using hashtags

我有一个很长的单页网站,使用URL的斜体,然后从滚动或点击进入某一部分。 我能利用什么技术来追踪这些信标在角角分析中的“页数”?


(Recycling from a prior answer...)


_gaq.push([ _trackPageview ,location.pathname + location.search  + location.hash]);

You could either bind that code to every time you have a hash change within your application, or you could use a generic hashchange plugin, that uses the HTML5 onhashchange, and some backwards compatible hacks for older browsers, and bind this code to that event, so that it fires every time your hash changes.


$(window).hashchange( function(){
    _gaq.push([ _trackPageview ,location.pathname + location.search  + location.hash]);


页: 1


 onclick="javascript:_gaq.push([ _trackPageview , /PDF/EXAMPLE PDF NAME ]);"


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