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原标题:What would be the reason behind the window service stop

I have an application named “LeafTest” which has Server Edition and Client Edition. The server Service is “Mss.exe” which is running under account “stepup” account which I checked from “services.msc” and system configuration is 2003 server 32bit standard edition with SP2. But yesterday means November 20 it suddenly stopped , I don’t know what is the reason behind it. When I checked my application logs I can see these errors just before it reported service stopped



Event ID ( 8500 ) in Source ( LeafTest) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer.

当我在某种程度上提到我的申请时,可能无法适当安装或登记,或需要与登记处合作。 任何一个机构都能够告诉我,由一贴的阅读标志设计的服务背后的原因是什么。


如果存在不适当的例外,服务可能停止。 检查你处理所有例外情况。 此外,如果该服务使用任何COM标,我过去曾有例外,不能被排在我的NET2.0申请中。



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