English 中文(简体)
原标题:Remove blank spaces from email and password get by EditText
  • 时间:2011-11-23 15:28:55
  •  标签:
  • java
  • android
EditText recEmail=(EditText)findViewbyId(R.id.email);
EditText recPassword=(EditText)findViewbyId(R.id.password);
String email=recEmail.getText().toString();
String password=recPassword.getText().toString();






email.replace(" ", "");
password.replace(" ", "");

a. 为达到目的,在座标和<条码>上清除白色空间。

You might want to check the String methods. Try .trim() to remove white spaces from the beginning and end.

还检查和roid:投入 电子邮件类型。


    it remove white spaces.

    **u can also use regular expression on it f或 checking spaces 或 any specific condition**

     String string = "[email protected]";
            Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\s+");
            Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(string);
            boolean check = matcher.find();
            String str = matcher.replaceAll("");
            System.out.println("String after removing all duplicate white spaces:" + str);



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