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原标题:Where can I find up-to-date documentation about the WCF Web API?

我与世界教育论坛一道,努力使教育、教育、科学和技术成为我所希望的工作方式。 显然,还有其他几个方面。 我听到了,但错误地将其驳回而没有仔细研究。 可悲的是,现在我看着它,我发现文件相当陈旧。 同

So I ve been using an old example of how to plug in Json.NET (newtonsoft) as my serializier, only to realize that after I had it working, it wouldn t work for my IErrorHandler. Further I had a problem with how to Deserialize a string from the uri template to an operation Type parameter.

It appears however that I should be able to solve these two problems (and presumably many others that I haven t stumbled over yet) by using the media formatter extension point and what s referred to as Processor<..>s in outdated documentation, which is now HttpOperationHandler<..>s unless I ve missunderstood.

我的问题是很基本的问题,我可以指出,如果我刚才正确执行,如何正确地把我的国际独立知名人士小组所寄来的用我的手来。 既然我觉得要求就这样一个基本事项发出指示是多余的,那么我会问,我能找到一些文件,说明如何做这种事情? (当然欢迎解释)

I m 不是在收集了哪几类学校,或用什么参数标明其方法。 我可以看到我的物体浏览器中的所有东西。 我需要有关总体设计的文件和(或)间接描述诸如:

  • How do the different classes in the API fit together?
  • How can I configure from web.config?
  • Must I rather do a custom HttpServiceHostFactory?
  • What and how are you meant to use the framework?
  • How should I extend to reach what sort of goals?
  • How should I configure to place the extensions in effect?



However, after familiarizing myself a bit with Codeplex I found out that the good stuff was in this Discussion section. Searching a bit in there helped a lot to be honest.

关于组合,我找不到任何东西,因此,我假定,这将作为正式释放之前的最后一件事。 页: 1 缩略语 HttpserviceHostFactory。

<代码>上的trick HttpOperationHandler有两个方面: 首先,我放弃了我的作业中的一个例外,没有执行过全球<代码>。 HttpErrorHandler。 (多哈!) 第二,我不知道HttpOperationHandler<的参数名称;和。 OnHandle不得不与行动参数相匹配。



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