English 中文(简体)
• 如何控制MATLAB的轮胎产量的长度和取样时间?
原标题:How to control the length and sampling time of the output of ifft in MATLAB?



这意味着我有一个病媒Y,包含病媒X中频率点的振幅。 例如

f = [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
Y = [0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0  0]


The MATLAB function ifft can transform Y and f to time domain. Lets call the vectors in time domain y and t. I m looking for a way how to get time domain data with a specified samplig frequency and a specified signal length. For example, I want time domain data with a signal length of 1 second and a sampling frequency of 1000Hz.


To sum it up, I m trying to write a MATLAB function

[t,y] = custom_ifft(f,Y,sampling_frequency,signal_length)


EDIT: Please include in your answer the MATLAB code how to implement your idea. I already have the concept of how to do it, but I can t get the actual implementation to work. I m specifically asking what to give as input argument to the ifft function:

y = ifft(input_arg);

I m 期待着MATLAB代码在知道(f,Y,sampling_f频率,signal_length)时如何生成投入。


Y = [0 zeros(1,100) 1 0 0 zeros(1,500) 0 0 1 zeros(1,100)];
Y_interp = interp1(Y,linspace(1,length(Y),2*length(Y)));
y = ifft(Y) ;
y_interp = ifft(Y_interp);

If you know the sample rate and the duration, then it s easy to calculate the number of points, N:

N = duration (seconds) * sample_rate (Hz)

在频率领域,你需要同样数量的N点。 如果你更少,那么你只能用零打下。 每个双目在频率领域所代表的频率等于i / samples_rate,其中i为本数,0 <=i < N / 2

请注意,如果你想要在公平贸易论坛之后发出一个纯粹真实的时间域信号,那么你的频域数据就必须是复杂的对称。 如果你不关心这个阶段,那么就只能把对N/2和想象的零部分进行实际测量。


  1. ifft
  2. Calculate the target sample rate divided by the starting sample rate.
  3. Get the upsample/downsample numbers that will get you the target sample rate by using the "rat" command.
  4. Resample the data using the "resample" command.
  5. If you only want a certain amount of data, just chop off some of it. If you need more data, pad your data with zeros before ifft ing it, as Paul suggested.

存在各种潜在的问题以及如何提高这种效率。 例如,你可以在频率领域进行取样。 不过,首先,我将保持简单易懂,学习你的道路。


(F * N)/(SR * K)


零垫或继续推介(取决于您的干预方的宽度),以形成长效的N/2病媒。 如果污染产生高于N/2或低于0的双重重要价值,则具有双重价值,并加起来。


a. 反映N/2周围的长效矢量,以形成长度N的对应测量矢量,并按2.0的比值系数进行分辨;

选择性地,乘以一个比额表因素,即与贵贸总协定(1,N, sqrt(N)等中订立的比额表因素的反差。


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