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j 质量——为什么通过扼制(<div category=“foo”/>)来制造同级物体,比制造同样的物体和执行添加标记法要慢?
原标题:jQuery - Why creating object with class by string ($( <div class="foo" /> )) is slower than creating same object and execute addClass() method?

Can anyone may explain me why creating object via string is slower than same object and execute addClass() method in jQuery?

我认为,添加集束(Clas)的方法将比较缓慢,但不是这样。 我很想知道为什么?

http://jsperf.com/jquery-append-with-class-and-with-method-addclass” http://jsperf.com/jquery-append-with-class-and-method-addem


That s because only passing an element name, like $("<div>"), maps to a call to document.createElement().

另一方面,通过一个要素及其属性,例如$><div category= foo >”,向下列电话发送地图:


我要说的是,$( <div category=“foo”/>>是因为必须穿透超文本,然后执行addClass((或内部对等)。


viaObject = $("<div>", { class: "foo-"+counterN });

i 由于Frédéric Hamidi(文件.createElement() vs document.createDocumentFragment())指出的原因,这种想法应当像(“<div>”;一样快,但速度仍然缓慢。



 $("<div>", { class: "foo-"+counterN }); 


 $( <div class="foo-  + counterS +  " /> );

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