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原标题:PHPIDS configuration to allow html

我已鼓励https://phpids.org网站、多个论坛、 st(当然:P)等找到一种途径,允许将丁瑞教文塔的html插座并入我的本土文化资料库。 我试图将它列入《加拿大:Config.ini》等文件:

; define which fields contain html and need preparation before 
; hitting the PHPIDS rules (new in PHPIDS 0.5)
; html[]          = POST.__wysiwyg
html[]          = POST.content_text

然而,它没有工作! 它仍然发现所贴画为恶意! 如果我包括诸如此等例外情况,它会发挥作用:

; define which fields shouldn t be monitored...
exceptions[]    = GET.__utmz
exceptions[]    = GET.__utmc
exceptions[]    = POST.content_text
exceptions[]    = REQUEST.content_text

But I do not want it as an exception. Has anyone encountered the same problem? BTW, I m using the latest 0.7 version for PHPIDS.



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