我一直在研究如何在安伯创造简单的时间,但主要是我发现的倒计时,并利用时间来应对拖延的事件。 我不认为他们适合我的案件。
What I want to do is I want to start a timer from 0 when I start a method (this timer should be a variable). I will put this timer in a "while" loop so it will keep increasing. Then, I have a list of array with numbers (they are time points in either millisecond or second), for example (in second), [10, 15, 20] so they re tenth second, fifteenth second, and twentieth second. Btw, the comparison start from the first array and continues to the next position when a number match, I guess I can call it progressive comparison?
Next thing is I want to compare the "timer" variable ,which is keep increasing, with the numbers in the array. If the numbers match, let s say, a text will be shown. I don t know if this is possible though...