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如何 mo。 邮件。 届会
原标题:How to mock a javax.mail.Session

i need to mock a javax.mail.Session object in my unit tests. The class javax.mail.Session is marked final so Mockito is not able to create a mock. Does anyone have an idea how to fix this?

Edit: My test is an Arquillian test and has already an annotation @RunWith(Arquillian.class). Therefore powermock is not an option.


You may refactor your code a little bit. In the "Working with Legacy Code" book by Martin Fowler, he describes a technique of separating the external API (think Java Mail API) from your own application code. The technique is called "Wrap and Skin" and is pretty simple.


  1. Create an interface MySession (which is your own stuff) by extracting methods from the javax.mail.Session class.
  2. Implement that interface by creating a concrete class (looking a bit like the original javax.mail.Session)
  3. In each method DELEGATE the call to equivalent javax.mail.Session method
  4. Create your mock class which implements MySession :-)
  5. Update your production code to use MySession instead of javax.mail.Session


EDIT: Also take a look at this blog post: http://www.mhaller.de/archives/18-How-to-mock-a-thirdparty-final-class.html


// We prepare PartialMockClass for test because it s final or we need to mock private or static methods
public class YourTestCase {

  public void test() throws Exception {

    PowerMockito.doReturn(value).when(classUnderTest, "methodToMock", "parameter1");

您可使用Mock Javamail项目。 我先从。 Alan Franzoni还拥有一个primer for it

当你把这一杰尔档案放在你的班子里时,它就把任何邮件寄给记忆箱,可以立即检查。 它很容易使用。

Adding this to your classpath is admittedly a pretty heavy handed way to mock something, but you rarely want to send real emails in your automated tests anyway.

使用 Java8功能!

public class SendEmailGood {
    private final Supplier<Message> messageSupplier;
    private final Consumer<Message> messageSender;

    public SendEmailGood(Supplier<Message> messageSupplier,
                         Consumer<Message> messageSender) {
        this.messageSupplier = messageSupplier;
        this.messageSender = messageSender;

    public void send(String[] addresses, String from, 
                     String subject, String body) 
                     throws MessagingException {
        Message message = messageSupplier.get();
        for (String address : addresses) {
             (Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(address));
        message.addFrom(new InternetAddress[]{new InternetAddress(from)});


public void sendBasicEmail() throws MessagingException {
    final boolean[] messageCalled = {false};

    Consumer<Message> consumer = message -> {
            messageCalled[0] = true;

    Message message = mock(Message.class);
    Supplier<Message> supplier = () -> message;

    SendEmailGood sendEmailGood = new SendEmailGood(supplier, consumer);
    String[] addresses = new String[2];

    addresses[0] = "[email protected]";
    addresses[1] = "[email protected]";
    String from = "[email protected]";
    String subject = "Test Email";
    String body = "This is a sample email from us!";

    sendEmailGood.send(addresses, from, subject, body);
    verify(message).addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress("[email protected]"));
    verify(message).addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress("[email protected]"));
    verify(message).addFrom(new InternetAddress[]{new InternetAddress("[email protected]")});



Consumer<Message> consumer = message -> {
    try {
    } catch (MessagingException e) {

Supplier<Message> supplier = () -> {
    Properties properties = new Properties();
    return new MimeMessage(Session.getDefaultInstance(properties));

如果你能够将春天引入你的项目,你可以使用 Java邮件和ck。 我不知道你的要求是多么复杂。

import org.springframework.mail.SimpleMailMessage;
import org.springframework.mail.javamail.JavaMailSender;

public void createAndSendBookChangesMail() {

    // Your custom service layer object to test

    MailServiceImpl service = new MailServiceImpl();


    JavaMailSender mailSender = mock(JavaMailSender.class);


    service.createAndSendMyMail("some mail message content");

    // ASSERT


I use the mock-javamail library. It just replace the origin javamail implementation in the classpath. You can send mails normally, it just sends to in-memory MailBox, not a real mailbox.

Finally, you can use the MailBox object to assert anything you want to check.

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