English 中文(简体)
3. 返回点最好从超负荷装置上匹配,无须打电话
原标题:Retrieve pointer to best match from overload set without calling

原因 我需要使用2个阶段的施工,此外,最后阶段由另一个线索推迟和进行,有些情况是:

        template < typename ConnectionType, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(n, typename T) > 
        boost::shared_ptr< ConnectionType > Connect( BOOST_PP_ENUM_BINARY_PARAMS(n, T, arg) ) 
            boost::shared_ptr< ConnectionType > con( boost::make_shared< ConnectionType >() ); 
            boost::mutex::scoped_lock sl( m_AddNetworkJobMutex ); 
            m_NetworkJobs.push_back( boost::bind( static_cast< void ( ConnectionType::* )( BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(n,T) ) >( &ConnectionType::Init ), con, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(n, arg) ) ); 
            return con; 

#define BOOST_PP_LOCAL_LIMITS (1, 5)

这里的问题是,我想从为连接Type设定的超负荷中挑选出最好的匹配:Init,但投射物是不同的,即使某些论点是可兑换的,也找不到完美的匹配。 因此,问题是: 能否获得这种类型和组件;在未实际使用超载体时,点击器达到最佳匹配水平? 不能使用C++03中可用吨数。


You can leverage lazy evaluation expression templates.


<上<>最后>我共同行动。 然而,它只使用可移动物体,有<>超载操作员<>。 我恳请你们能够像这 gl一样使用某种东西。

  • I now show both C++03 and C++11 proofs-of-concept that might help get something of a glue functor built-up around this
  • The C++03 is near equivalent (see the // TODO in the code)
  • The C++03 version depends on Boost Typeof and Boost Bind (see Boost Utility doc for result_of for backgrounds on result types of polymorphic function objects)
  • Both versions live on IdeOne

C++03 (live on https://ideone.com/VHcEC)

这里是C++11 demo(低于)部分港口,进入C++03 + Boost:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/typeof/typeof.hpp>

struct overloaded
    typedef int result_type;

    int operator()(const std::string& s) const { return 1; }
    int operator()(double d)             const { return 2; }

struct factory
    template <typename T> struct result { typedef BOOST_TYPEOF_TPL(boost::bind(overloaded(), T())) type; };

    template <typename T>
    typename result<T>::type operator()(const T& t) const 
        return boost::bind(overloaded(), t);

int main()
    overloaded foo;

    // based on local bind expression:
    BOOST_AUTO(unresolved, boost::bind(foo, _1));
    std::cout << unresolved("3.14") << std::endl;  // should print 1
    std::cout << unresolved(3.14)   << std::endl;  // should print 2

    // based on a factory function template
    factory makefoo;
    std::string str("3.14"); // TODO get rid of this explicit instanciation?
    std::cout << makefoo(str)() << std::endl;  // should print 1
    std::cout << makefoo(3.14)()   << std::endl;  // should print 2

C++11 (live on https://ideone.com/JILEA)


#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>

using namespace std::placeholders;

struct overloaded
    int operator()(const std::string& s) const { return 1; }
    int operator()(double d)             const { return 2; }

template <typename T>
auto makefoo(const T& t) -> decltype(std::bind(overloaded(), t))
    return std::bind(overloaded(), t);

int main()
    overloaded foo;

    // based on local bind expression:
    auto unresolved = std::bind(foo, _1);
    std::cout << unresolved(3.14)   << std::endl;  // should print 2
    std::cout << unresolved("3.14") << std::endl;  // should print 1

    // based on a factory function template
    std::cout << makefoo(3.14)()   << std::endl;  // should print 2
    std::cout << makefoo("3.14")() << std::endl;  // should print 1


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