English 中文(简体)
包括种子中的铁道结初始化。 rb in Railways 3.1
原标题:Include Railtie initialization in seeds.rb in Rails 3.1

我制造了一条简单的铁路,为积极通融增加了一只 st子:

  0 module Searchable
  1   class Railtie < Rails::Railtie
  2     initializer  searchable.model_additions  do
  3       ActiveSupport.on_load :active_record do
  4         extend ModelAdditions
  5       end
  6     end
  7   end
  8 end


require  searchable 


然而,我遇到了一个 r问题:见到。

In my seeds.rb file, I read data in from a csv and populate the database. The problem I am having is that the additions I made to ActiveRecord don t get loaded, and seeds fails with a method_missing error. I am not calling these methods, but I assume that since seeds.rb loads the models, it tries to call some of the methods and that s why it fails.

任何人都能够告诉我,提出这种要求,以便每次都包括进来。 主动记录是装满的(不仅仅是装满申请时)? 我更愿意将守则置于我的模式之外,因为守则是我大多数模式之间共有的,我希望保持其清洁和危险。



如果参照一个模型级,通过铁路3.1自动载荷/固定式电梯,它将装上该舱。 此时此刻,它只是从本质上讲,对所发生的情况(没有想象力)。 因此,我认为你们至少有几种选择。 那种“坏”的选择是,你想要把这种选择放在依赖性负荷上。 也许像:

module ActiveSupport
  module Dependencies
    alias_method(:load_missing_constant_renamed_my_app_name_here, :load_missing_constant)
    def load_missing_constant(from_mod, const_name)
       # your include here if const_name =  ModelName 
       # perhaps you could list the app/models directory, put that in an Array, and do some_array.include?(const_name)
       load_missing_constant_renamed_my_app_name_here(from_mod, const_name)

这样做的另一个方式是使用像你那样的铁路网,为主动通融增加一个舱级方法:然后包括 st脚的底象:

module MyModule
  class Railtie < Rails::Railtie
    initializer "my_name.active_record" do
      ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) do
        # ActiveRecord::Base gets new behavior
        include ::MyModule::Something # where you add behavior. consider using an ActiveSupport::Concern


module MyModule
  module Something
    extend ActiveSupport::Concern

    included do
      # this area is basically for anything other than class and instance methods
      # add class_attribute s, etc.

    module ClassMethods
      # class method definitions go here

      def include_some_goodness_in_the_model
        # include or extend a module

    # instance method definitions go here


class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base





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