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原标题:Load the properties file to get the key value pair
PasswordBlurb7=u4E0Du53EFu4F7Fu7528u91CDu8907u5B57u5143uFF08u4F8Bu5982 aaa64135u3001111bcxjkuFF09

我的一份财产档案含有上述关键值的奶制品。 因此,当我试图装载这一钥匙时。 我拿不到价值。 ? 价值

  Properties prop = new Properties();
  InputStream in = application.getResourceAsStream("WEB-INF/classes/content/"+line);
String value;
for(Object str: prop.keySet()) {
            value = prop.getProperty((String) str);
            hashMap.put((String)str, value);



??????????? aaa64135?111bcxjk? 


<table border= 2 >
                        for (Entry<String, String> entry : hashMap.entrySet()) {
                                        String key = entry.getKey();
                                        String value = entry.getValue();
<% out.println(key); %>
<% out.println(value);  %>
<%                                                      }
                        } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) {
                        catch (IOException e) {
                        } finally {





财产是一种含有单条编码的替罪羊。 您看<代码>的原因? ?

u4E0Du53EFu4F7Fu7528u91CDu8907u5B57u5143uFF08u4F8Bu5982 aaa64135u3001111bcxjkuFF09 



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