English 中文(简体)
当用定购方式添加物品时, Bin树实际上作为相关清单。
原标题:Binary search tree effectively acts as linked list when items are added in an ordered way

I have a huge number of items to be stored in a collection. I need to locate an item by comparing it to a certain key and then tell if such an item exists. I use a binary search tree to do so.

class node
    node(const char *p_name) :
    node *find(const char *p_name)
        node *l_retval = this;

        for(; l_retval != NULL;)
            int l = strcmp(p_name, l_retval->name.c_str());
            if (l == 0) break; // found it
            if (l > 0) l_retval = greater; // the node searched for is in the  greater  branch
            else l_retval = smaller; // or in the  smaller  branch
        return l_retval;
    node *greater, *smaller;
    std::string name; // or any other type of data you would like to store

如果随意添加这些物品,所有物品都将被罚款。 如果有时以定购方式添加物品,则我的《商业仲裁示范法》作为相关清单(见下文)。





If you don t want to use a self-balancing tree (red-black, AVL, etc.), then the "easy" solution is to just shuffle the collection before inserting it into the tree.

If you want a perfectly balanced tree, you could start with a sorted collection, then insert the middle element of that list into the tree and recursively do the same with the two remaining sorted subcollections.

I understand that you are investigating algorithms, but in real-life you d probably just want to use a std::map and not worry about the details of how it works.



Now what you are looking for are derivates, not pure:

Self-balancing binary search tree

自我平衡双平树木在关键时期通过在树上进行转化(如树木轮换)来解决这一问题,以便保持与木).(n)的比例高度。 虽然涉及某种间接费用,但从长远来看,可以通过确保迅速执行后来的业务来证明。

保持高度始终保持其最低价值并不总是可行的;可以证明,任何插入算法若如此,就会有过多的间接费用。 [需要援引] 因此,大多数自平价的BST算法将高额保持在这一低约束等级的固定因素内。




第一个问题是,你为什么要执行? 使用<代码>std:setstd:map。 两部都布设了平衡树木。 你们需要提供命令功能,但除了这种职能(以及你不能改变规定命令的实地的明显限制)之外,这种职能应当受到罚款。

If you already have the elements stored in another container, you can use a map from the key that controls the order to a pointer/iterator into the original container (beware of any operations in the container that might invalidate pointers/iterators)

页: 1

A trick is to use an alternative compare function (eg some kind of hash, or just random) to move the linked list to a new linked list, and than consume the temporary list and re-insert into the original tree.

int node_cmp_random(struct node *one, struct node *two)
return (rand() %2) ? -1 : 1;


void node_randomise(struct node **tpp)
struct node *new, *this, **hnd;

for (new=NULL; this = node_consume( tpp); ) {
    for (hnd= &new; *hnd; hnd = (rand()&1) ? &(*hnd)->prev : &(*hnd)->next) {;}
    *hnd = this;
*tpp = new ;

struct node * node_consume(struct node **tpp)
struct node * ret;
if (!*tpp) return NULL;

while ((*tpp)->prev) tpp = &(*tpp)->prev;
ret = *tpp;
*tpp = ret->next;
ret->next = NULL;
return ret;


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