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• 如何为英特尔利J远程MavenServer制定联合计算机程序?
原标题:How to set JVM options for IntelliJ s RemoteMavenServer?

I was playing with -XX:+CompressedOops in IntelliJ s idea.vmoptions and I noticed that the RemoteMavenServer process started by IntelliJ doesn t use those settings.


Is there any way to configure the RemoteMavenServer JVM options?


Anton s answer is no longer correct. IntelliJ 12.0.1 introduced a new UI for configuring the VM arguments of the RemoteMavenServer process instead of using MAVEN_OPTS:

File -> Settings -> Maven -> Importer -> VM options for maven import process



Please follow: http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/IDEA-60719.

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