我有某些法典,我试图在文字档案中添加文字档案,然后在文字档案中打电话。 该守则是:
function includeJS(p_file) {
var v_js = document.createElement( script );
v_js.type = text/javascript ;
v_js.src = p_file;
document.getElementsByTagName( head )[0].appendChild(v_js);
function checkFlash(){
includeJS( /scripts/swfobject.js );
var playerVersion = swfobject.getFlashPlayerVersion();
return playerVersion.major;
问题在于它试图获得参与者版本的盘点。 我检查了大火,这显示文字被装上,读书正确无误,因此它不是一个道路问题。
I thought that maybe it was a delay issue in the includeJS function, but when I would that code in before the alert without it being a function, it still gives the same problem.