i am having a problem with javascript and i dont know how to solve it. i am having this code
function addtask(tab){
var tasktag = document.createElement( tr );
var task = document.getElementById(tab).getElementsByTagName( tr ).length+1;
task = tab+ r +task;
tasktag.setAttribute( id ,task);
var tasktag2 = document.createElement( td );
var task2 = document.getElementById(task).getElementsByTagName( td ).length+1;
task2 = task+ c +task2;
tasktag2.setAttribute( id ,task2);
tasktag2.innerHTML = +task2+ <br><input id= btn1 type= button value= remove onClick="removeElement( +num+ , body )" /> ;
i get "Couldn t convert JavaScript argument arg 0 [nsIDOMHTMLTableRowElement.appendChild]"(from firebug). while this code works perfect
`var num;
function addlist(){
var divTag = document.createElement( table );
if(num==undefined){num = 1;}
else{numi = num.split("t")
num = t +num;
divTag.setAttribute( id ,num);
divTag.setAttribute( align , left );
divTag.setAttribute( style , margin:7px; );
divTag.setAttribute( border ,1);
var divTag2 = document.createElement( tr );
var num2 = document.getElementById(num).getElementsByTagName( tr ).length+1;
num2 = num+ r +num2;
divTag2.setAttribute( id ,num2);
var divTag3 = document.createElement( td );
var num3 = document.getElementById(num2).getElementsByTagName( td ).length+1;
num3 = num2+ c +num3;
divTag3.setAttribute( id ,num3);
divTag3.innerHTML = +num+ <br><input id= btn1 type= button value= remove onClick="removeElement( +num+ , body )" /><br><input id= btn2 type= button value= task onClick="addtask( +num+ )" /> ;
为什么发生这种情况? 谢谢大家的时间